Saturday, January 24, 2009

Good-uh Bye Bye

look closely*or click on the photo, my smile and the tv subtitles ada relevance ;)

Soooo, yeah. I'm leaving for Japan! land of the rising sun? yes? For 12-days!
Heh. It's my birthday gift from My Godmothers. They promised, when we (Jon, Me and Summer ) turn 16 we can go anywhere around the world. so..therefore I picked Japan! Why? HentaiPornMangaIteh! no laa... I'm just really fascinated by the Japanese..u knw? by their Technology, the people, the FOOD especially! so yeah. i'll be back on the first week of Feb Friday 8pm. Don't you miss me now :P i know Zane PerasanMuch? X)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Sigh.. =/